Liberal Amazon
Legal Amazon: less than 5,08% of congressmen in the region's states are black
Survey was carried out by Redação Integrada de O Liberal [O Liberal Integrated Newsroom] considering data from Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) [Superior Electoral Court]. Number potentializes the history of racism and racial discrimination of a country that has always denied the color of its people
14.01.25 0h11
Amazon: power of visual arts and literature
Whether as a source of inspiration or as a reference for creative transversalities, the region requires expressions capable of unfolding in the face of decolonial challenges. And recognition comes from the plurality of languages
20.11.21 16h00
Climate change: the Amazon factor
Glasgow, Scotland hosts the 26th edition of the UN Climate Change Conference. Experts explain why the forest plays a decisive role in the debate
30.10.21 16h00
Bioeconomy: a new market emerges in the Amazon
Amazon Region is the entry passport for a new order in the global economy. Brazil holds the potential for turning up as a low-carbon environmental and agricultural authority, and provider of environmental services on a national and global scale
Amazon: Deforestation level in 2021 reaches decade high
Devastation of green areas shows the worst rates in ten years. Among the most destructive states, Pará sits at the top ranking: 638 km² of torn down forest in August alone.
16.10.21 16h00
From Nazareth to Belém, via Portugal, faith in Our Lady unites centuries around one name: Mary
Marian devotion: the origins
09.10.21 11h25
Transamazônica: after half a century, residents reveal the backstage of an unfinished work
The legacy of over 4,000 kilometers of the highway crossing seven Brazilian states is the cornerstone of discussions
02.10.21 16h00
Belo Monte power plant turns 10 years old . See the impacts of the project to the Xingu region
The hydroelectric plant changed the customs, routine, environment and intentions of the residents of Volta Grande do Xingu
18.09.21 16h00
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